David I. L. Poole, Artistic Director

FOR MORE INFO: 912/232-0018
All performances take place at our new location
Savannah State University's
Kennedy Theatre
3219 College Street, Savannah GA
For directions please place into your GPS or other mapping device
Savannah State University
4724 La Roche Ave
Savannah, GA 31404
The Kennedy Fine Arts building is located on the Savannah State University campus, accessible through the security gate via LaRoche Ave — 1.2 mile east of the Truman Parkway (DeLesseps Ave. exit); 1.2 mile south on Skidway Rd. from Victory Drive; approximately 4 miles north on LaRoche Ave. from Isle of Hope; and .8 mile north on Skidaway Rd. from DeRenne Ave. At the security gate, inform the guard that you are attending the show at the Kennedy auditorium. From the gate, proceed on N. Tompkins Rd., turning left at the circle. Proceed around the circle until it straightens, then turn at the second right and proceed to the Kennedy Fine Arts Building parking lot on your right. The entrance to the auditorium is opposite the parking lot, facing the circle.